Reluctantly, I dropped my 4-year-old miniature dachshund off at The Dog Stop's South Hills location. When I picked him up tonight, I received almost half of the food that I left for him back.
Normally, my pup is extremely energetic, almost to a fault. However, when picked up he barely walked out of the lobby and slept in the car for the first time in his life.
Once home, I had to immediately bathe him as he reeked of Clorox and his coat had a film from the cleaner on it. It also appears that the cleaning solution has irritated his paws to the point of being red and raw.
The woman who kindly took our money had no explanation of his stay, why there was left over food, or why his paws were so sore he could not walk on them.
It was not the experience I was hoping to have and I will be more than willing to spend some extra money in the future if it means receiving better care.