I used to go here pretty frequently. So when I decided that I wanted to change it up and get the perm I had always wanted, I scheduled an appointment with Debbie, who I had seen before. As soon as I sat down at her chair, she says "so you wanted to get a perm today?!" and I nod yes. Her look of disgust/pity deepening. She goes on to tell me how horrible perms look these days, that no one has had one since the 80s, it's so frizzy! Then she rambles about how I might think ill wake up and it'll just look good but that's not true.
THEN she proceeds to ask everyone in the room, "would she look good in a perm? Guys tell her the perm won't look good!" And then the girl sweeping the floor comes over to touch my hair and say "yeaaah you have like this cowlick right here that would look horrible with a perm." So then Debbie says "I'll do anything else with your hair but I'm not giving you a perm"
At this point I'm nearly in tears from humiliation because I wanted a perm so bad and I'm fully aware that perms are STILL A THING. Apparently Debbie just doesn't know how to perm hair in the modern day. So I left.
I got my actual perm at JaViv Uptown Hair 4ce and I love it, it's exactly what I wanted. And yes, I do wake up and it looks great.
So see ya never again, Oscar Giovanni! You definitely lost my business.