| - One thing I've discovered about Long Wong's is that the quality and service depends a lot on the location. For instance, the wings at the Scottsdale and Thomas location are different from the wings you'll get at the Two Hippies location which are also different from the ones you get at my regular spot, and the one I'm going to talk about; the Stapley and 60 restaurant located next to the giant laser tag arena. If you're thinking that maybe I've eaten Long Wong's wings and then played laser tag, you'd be right, I did, and it was awesome.
This location is cleaner and larger than most, and though it doesn't have the Ms. Pac Man game like the Scottsdale and Thomas location, it does have flames painted on the walls and flat screen TV's which are almost always tuned to Fox News or some sporting event I don't care about.
Another thing that has always intrigued be about this location is the walls. The high walls are covered, mural style, with flames and boxers. Yes, giant poorly painted flames and then black dudes boxing each other. Why? I don't know, and neither will you.
Sometimes my comrad and I will eat in, taking advantage of the beer special which are 2 dollar draft beers, all day, everyday which, by all accounts, wouldn't necessarily make it a "special" despite what the signs will tell you. Long Wong's is really about the wings. Most days I come in there is a line of people, all of them ordering wings, dozens, buckets, family packs, tearing at the bones, contemplating which flavor to get, licking their fingers. I've only tried a few things off the Long Wong's menu: the wings, the fries, the hot dogs, and the burgers. Seemingly there is a lot of other shit on the menu. That's not important to me, the wings are the only worthwhile thing as most of the other items are reminiscent of slightly higher quality fast food with lettuce that is usually wilted. Long Wong's carries a variety of wing flavors; teriyaki, asian garlic, Cajun, mild, medium, hot, suicide and my flavor of choice: SUPER suicide. I think there are more. I don't even know if "asian garlic" is really on the menu but it seems like it would be.
The thing about Long Wong's wings is that grabs me is that they're mostly heat. It's not the flavor I love, it's the back of your throat, back of your tongue, lip burning heat. I'm a sucker for the heat or anything that make me cry (like my life). They serve the wings with Ranch, not Blue Cheese which seems more appropriate for these wings anyway. The Ranch is good there too, not over done or spiced up by something, just a thin, normal, restaurant Ranch which they don't charge you for like some places.
They are horribly liberal with the sauce, dousing your order of plump wings in a thick, orange sauce touched slightly with chili seeds. These are, by far, the sauciest wings I've had.
After each bite of a Long Wong's wings it looks like you killed a bunny or some other small, cute animal with your bare hand. The sauce gets under your fingernails and the burn stays on your hands even after a run under water. You must scrub, with soap, to rid your skin of that unique wing smell and the stain of the orange sauce. Don't do anything sexual after eating Long Wong's wings for at least 12 hours.
There is one thing about this location which I go to that, for some reason, always seems to put a damper on my wing eating, beer drinking frenzy. That is the grey, mustached owner who always seems to be annoyed by all the service he's getting. I imagine this guy to be the owner based on assumption and his naturally ownery vibe.
Long Wong's on Stapley and 60, despite the Angry Successful Business Owner, is one of my favorite Mesa spots and is a true testament to what good, true take out wings SHOULD be. Even if you don't like them hot you can appreciate the honey bbqs or the Arizona chili flavor or even the blue cheese ones. Plus, a 7.99 combo that gives you a dozen wings, fries and drink is, like, super reasonable especially considering the quality. I have grown fond of the new, exciting fliers placed up periodically in an attempt, I assume, by the Angry Successful Business Owner to become even MORE successful, thus more angry. Lately I've noticed they're doing karaoke on Friday nights and 25 cent wings on Tuesdays. Long Wongs has helped me come out of the closet as a wing enthusiast so no longer will I hide my bones in my top nightstand drawer. I will proudly leave them chewed and dried up for all the world to see and get grossed out by.