I was already a fan of JoJo's Jerky before walking into this store for the first time. About a year ago, the BF went to the location on the strip and brought back the vegan cactus jerky. So I couldn't resist walking into the store at Downtown Container Park while hanging out in the Freemont area.
I'm not gonna lie, what first drew me in was this innuendo-y sign: http://bit.ly/2mFvZ8p
This store is super small but I was excited to see cactus jerky flavors that I haven't had yet. The super friendly and helpful employee was nice enough to offer samples so I could make a confident decision. Not necessarily in jerky form but she offered it in sauce form which is pretty much the same seasoning/marinade the jerky is made with.
Upon purchase, I noticed another funny innuendo-y sign: http://bit.ly/2myZgCu
Sorry if you're offended. I love a good immature pun ;P
I've had all five flavors of the cactus jerky. My favorite is Cactus Joe's Pepper Jerky. The spicy ones, Sweet Heat and Triple Threat are good too but WOO they're spicy!!! http://bit.ly/2liCZHk
Jojo's isn't just jerky. They also have these: http://bit.ly/2m10Orf