| - The owner is a bit of a crumudgeon if you ask to substitute an item on a plate, but he will, if you are insistent enough about it. I admit that when I walked away from the register, I was a little miffed. After all, I am the customer and if I don't want rice on my dish, isn't that my prerogative? However, once the food was set down in front of me and I began to dig in, all of my angst melted away.
I ordered the chicken curry dish, which is a Mediterranean take on an old Thai recipe. It originally came served on hope of rice. I don't eat rice so I persuaded the chef to serve hummus on the side instead of the rice. I'm glad I did. The hummus is smooth and creamy, just the way I like it. The curry was simply out of this world; spicy and full of coconut milk, pineapple, raisins and apples--all there to add a sweet little bite. The chicken itself is so juicy and succulent you would be hard pressed to find a better cooked piece of meat.
So, I offer kudos to the chef on his cooking but wish he would be more sympathetic to his customers' dietary needs and tastes. And if substituting is really that big a deal then maybe put up a sign: No substitutions, please.