Went in after finals to have some drinks and listen to some music. We were really hoping for some food, but I guess after 10 on a Friday night is just way too late. So we got some drinks, which were oddly expensive. $7.50 for well drinks? Come on.
But the absolute best part of the night was when our two male friends started dancing with each other and were immediately pulled outside by the bouncers to be interrogated about what state they were from, how much they had to drink (none at this bar, thankfully), and were then told in a less than subtle manner that they needed to leave.
Considering how raunchy some of their other straight patrons were getting with their dancing, I can really draw only one conclusion as to why two men were asked to leave, just for dancing together and nothing else. So thank you Toby Keiths. Thank you for re-enforcing everything I knew about Toby Keith and Arizona in general.