So I've lived here since February. It's weird cause when I got mad at the maintenance guy about the fire alarm being pulled it hasn't happened since. So maybe he's the one pulling it?? Who knows. But! There's more problems. All of the pipes are connected through every single apartment. I'll come home some days and my entire apartment smells so bad because other people just stuff anything and everything down their garbage disposal and it ends up in my pipes. It's DISGUSTING. Also, they waste A LOT of water. They water the grass every few hours and the sprinklers don't turn off until the grass is flooded and muddy. And now the shower that's at the pool has been leaking a lot of water for at least 2 weeks. Like we live in a desert, we can't afford to be wasting all of this water!! They also STILL haven't fixed the air conditioner in the workout room. That's all for now. I'll update more later.