Terrible experience.
My brand new Honda Odyssey (2 weeks old) was dusty from our trip to Colorado. Decided on a whim to just drive it through for a quick wash even though it was likely going to rain later.
Just paid for the $4 drive through wash. There was little instruction on how or where to drive up to. I must have done something wrong because the soap sprayed out all over my van and then everything shut off.
I pulled around by the office where I see a sign that the employee will be back soon. I try the door - locked. I ring the buzzer and knock - nothing. I call the phone number and leave a message on the machine. Never get a call back.
After waiting for 10 minutes the employee still is no where in sight. I decide to drive to another car wash to get the soap off.
I go to one closer to home that I am familiar with and that has employees to spray down your vehicle first and guide you through the wash.
The employee at the second car wash is shocked to hear my story and works hard to get the soap off. He is concerned that it has come off the body of the vehicles but not completely off the windows and that they are stained. I panic.
I drive home and windex all the windows. It seems to go away.
I call Spot Free and the employee (Shawn I believe?) who tells me it is a small family owned place and he is the manager answers the phone. He explains it is just soap and not acid and will not hurt my car long term. That the place is open 24 hours a day and he is there just 10 of those 24 but left to have lunch.
I am glad all worked out well but I wasted $4 at Spot Free then had to pay another $5 somewhere else and went through the stress of the situation and wasted an hour or more of my busy day.
Unless I had free washes I would never go to this place again. I'm sure this place will be featured in future nightmares of mine.