| - Be forewarned, the "spring rolls" (yes, that's what the lady behind the counter called them) are filled with tofu. So unfortunate.
I've eaten a fair amount of Filipino food in my life, and for whatever reason, I have NO idea what the names of any dishes are aside from halo halo, pancit and lumpia. It's actually pretty aggravating because I can describe the dish, but I can't name it.
There is a beef and onions dish, kinda like a stew almost that is killer here. Pancit is just okay. I've been to this location a few times, and really, the beef and onions dish is the only thing that sticks out to me (because it is my favorite anywhere that I go.)
Be careful not to say that you want a personal size anything. Make sure you say plate. Pancit, 4 spring rolls and that beef dish ran me $17. A 2 item plate is $6. Same size servings I believe, but $3 more expensive and without rice if you accidently order like I did. Ummm... guess what look I'm doing with my face right now. My "not amused face:" -__-