When I had first moved to the valley from the Midwest in late 2007 I tried this place as one of my first experiences in town. The owner was extremely rude and unfriendly when I walked in, similar to what prior reviewer Yaya Z. described. It got even worse when my dog started shaking because she was a bit nervous, the owner told me to "go on and leave" because she said my dog would calm down once I left. I think she knew she'd been rude because she offered me a discount on that day's service. The haircut itself was fine but the whole experience was very negative and I left feeling concerned that Fountain Hills was going to be full of rude people with attitudes. I never went back. I later found "Talk to the Paw" down the road and Lori and Dale, the owners, have been wonderful and kind to my dogs and to me. The owner may just have been having an off day but it pays to be mindful of attitude toward customers, especially someone you are just meeting, those kinds of things stick with people as evidenced by the fact that I remember it 8 years later.