LOL@ the reviewer who says he will make sure to visit this place every time he comes to Vegas.
I did enjoy it as a really small child seeing I had nothing to compare it to and had no idea how zoos really work. I visited this ~zoo again when I was 9 and had a better idea of what a Zoo really is and this place made me sad.
The Lion Habitat at MGM and Secret Garden at The Mirage are all far better than this, and those are mini animal exhibits held within casinos, which is sad.
It's shocking that this place is still here. The animals are clearly miserable, both the exhibits and the animals themselves are in terrible shape and there's very little shading, which is irrational because we're in a DESERT people. I don't think ostriches, peacocks, lions and monkeys adapt to this type of climate very well.
Sarah Jane called it the Zoo of "Auschwitz". I can't think of a more appropriate name, it's just that depressing.