A couple girl friends and I ventured over for lunch on our break between classes. One of the girls heard from some of her friends that this place was "soooo good". Well, these friends of hers have either really low standards or just don't know the difference between good, quality food and junk.
All of us ordered the shoyu ribs ramen. To say that it was disappointing would be an understatement. The soup was luke-warm at best and it tasted almost sweet. Ramen is supposed to be savory, so the sweet-ish soup was a major no-no. The noodles were also sad. It tasted like the instant stuff. Gross. Supposedly, their other menu items (i.e. gogi beef stuffed waffles) are supposed to be better, but that is a chance that I am not willing to take.
Their decorations/furnishings were quite interesting. The first thing we noticed upon walking in was their Transformer-like chairs. They had some anime characters painted on the wall and had some anime show/movie playing silently on a tv. The place was insanely dark that we were blinded when we were walking outside to leave.
It goes without saying that I definitely will not be going back. I much rather eat Panda Express on campus.