So I had the absolute displeasure of visiting this dump of a location at 7th street and McDowell where I waited for 2 hours in a dirty uncomfortable waiting room with the atmosphere of Wal-Mart on Saturday afternoon with videos of kids and babies crying, screaming, and yelling over and over. I drove about 35-40 miles to this dump because I'm extremely claustrophobic and was told this location allegedly had open MRI. After 2 hours, I get sent to another dirty waiting area with more rude staff and waited in another dirty seemingly abandoned area and finally get to tjis alleged open MRI machine where I'm told my face will go up to the machine, this is for my knee. I tell the tech I'm extremely claustrophobic and can't do this and she says "didn't your Dr give you a sedative?" Ummmm...firstly no because I was told it was open and secondly it would've worn off after waiting for 2 hours anyways. I panicked, anxietedly went to get the heck outta there and fell off the table and the tech's response was "don't ruin my equipment " with no concern at all if I was ok which I wasn't. She if course immediately reported that I jumped off the table to alleviate any responsibility. I have never been treated so distespectfully in my life and have never waited so lok g even in my Dr s offices. I found the entire staff to be unprofessional, rude and uncaring particularly in medical. I wish I would've read reviews before going. Left with no MRI, aggravation frustration and wasted my entire day, and gas and on and on. I've never seen such a place. On my way out...their only concern was that some unknowing soul in the waiting room would hear my frustrations as I vented. I give this place minus 0 stars. Thanks for nothing but ruining my day and nothing else