I've been man handled. And I liked it.
Anna, where have you been all my life? I can't say enough about the fantastic massage I received. It was started out with a hot foot soak while she massages my face, head and neck. Then she worked her way down to my arms and legs and then my feet. She spent some extra attention on my feet (since it is supposed to be a foot massage). Then, she flipped me over and this is where the magic happened. She jumped on my back like a spider monkey and started bending me into positions I had no idea my body could get into. Think I did the scorpion. Then she balanced herself on her knees and massaged my back with just her knees. Anna had some tricks up her sleeve and I loved them. This was comparable to a massage I had while in Thailand (except 3 times the price). I felt so good after this, and only $35 for an hour! How do you beat that!