| - I am a customer who goes to Starbucks EVERYDAY. I have been doing this since I was 20 - so its been over 20 years. I moved to Arizona 3 years ago and there are two Starbucks closest to my home, though I travel all over the state and experience various Starbucks. This particular Starbucks gets the majority of my business.
Sadly, the customer service here is horrible. There is never a time you do not have to wait..either in the drive through or if you go inside. I am not against a business being busy, thats good news for all of us in business.
However, it is terribly frustrating when your standing in an endlessly long line and there are three employees gathered by the door that goes to the back room sipping coffee and talking about when they should take breaks, what they did last night, what happened with the boyfriend and how much they are frustrated with other co-workers and their manager....
A customer behind me finally stepped in and said "do you work here?" which all three replied "yes.". Then they went on talking. The customer, who was an elderly lady, went on to say "are you not suppose to help us? Do you do something else here?" All three looked at her confused, then looked at each other and laughed out loud.
This is my typical experience at this Starbucks. There is a large amount of customers and a large amount of staff but the staff just don't seem to care about the length of the line and everyone who is waiting. The customer service that historically Starbucks was known for has gone out the window and they have become the average business providing average service. Which is unfortunate... I happen to coach people in training sessions and use to use Starbucks as an example - now I just can't do that.
Here is the conversation I heard today while typing this... the person making the coffees at the front and the person who is supposed to make the coffee at the drive through stopped to discuss who was the slowest co-worker on the team. They carried on for about 7 minutes about who they thought was the slowest and why they disliked working with those folks etc etc. Meanwhile, no drinks were being made.
I wish I could say that I won't go to Starbucks again. My addiction, however, will not allow me to do that. I am willing to drive the extra miles to a Starbucks that provides great customer service but I cannot give it up all together.
I think Starbucks needs to go back to the basics and assure that the name they have made for themselves is saved before its too late.