Wow... thought I had already reviewed this Walmart... but it goes to show how forgettable this Walmart really is.
I've only had one really okay experience here, the rest have been horrible. The worst one was when an ex veteran started yelling racial slurs at me and he was angry that I was "invading the country". First of all he got my ethnic background completely wrong... and second I almost got the manager, but realized it was not worth it. The guy was so belligerent anyway, there was no reasoning with him. What was even shocking is how many people just stared and watched him yell at me (including employees).
Aside from rotten customers, the store is a Walmart so I just get in and out when I absolutely need to go (or if I can't get what I need from the super friendlier Target down the road).
This Walmart has a grocery store in it, I would not really recommend the produce, but all the other grocery items seem okay.
Good luck getting through the parking lot. I think the concept of one way lanes (especially when the parking spaces are angled in the direction of the lane) seems to escape people when they are going to Walmart. I would much rather park far-far away from the front and all the crazies, but then risk getting hit by a car on my walk to the door increases exponentially.