Deep Cleaning... Did I just get scammed?
I moved to Vegas last year and was recommended here by coworkers and was so happy. I left with a $350 bill for a Deep Cleaning which I didn't ever have before but I was fine because, compared to my other dentists office, then these people were so nice and I felt like I finally found a dentist office I could trust.
But then I started talking to another coworker that went to Floss a few months ago. She too said that she got a filling replaced for some reason ($75) and also got a Deep Cleaning based on the Dentists recommendation. And so did the original girl who recommended me. And so did her spouse. None of us knew what a "Deep Cleaning" actually was so we started doing research.
Apparently Deep Cleanings are important for people with gum disease. You don't have to be old but If the tooth is wearing down or you've got pockets(?) then they need to be cleaned. But even if you have a gum issue, they can be done by quadrant if its not a severe case which would drastically save you money. But all of us were given full deep cleanings.
We're all in our late 20's, have healthy teeth but None of us ever needed Deep Cleaning before. Yet on our first individual visits to Floss then all of us coincidentally required "Deep Cleaning"? I feel bad for questioning this place because the people here really did make me feel comfortable, but I can't help to wonder about what happened and now my next appointment will be somewhere else.
[Edited because I found another coworker who got a Deep Cleaning from this office]