I am pregnant with my first baby and I was so excited for my first appointment which was supposed to be tomorrow. I have so many questions and concerns lol. I made my appt 3 weeks ago. At the time I was asked for all my insurance info, which I gave. Today they call and tell me they don't take my insurance but no worries I can pay $250 cash. Seriously? You couldn't have told me 3 weeks ago you don't take Aetna? I asked that and they said they don't check insurance until the day of the appt. Okay, but you should probably at least know what insurance providers you take for when people call. And how do you not take Aetna? It's like one of the biggest insurance companies in the US. Now I have to find a new doctor, do more research, and read reviews and probably won't get into the new place for at least 2 or 3 weeks. Thats bullshit! I am impatient for my 1st appt as a new mom. Don't recommend.