The owner of iLash Lab, Sarah Hughes, responded to my last review and refunded my tip. Sarah did take issue with me using the words "credit card fraud" to explain the unauthorized charge to my credit card and texted me: "I issued the tip to be returned. Now if you would please be so kind as to remove your Yelp review. As we both can agree although it was an accident it didn't warrant a credit card fraud claim. An over charge yes but credit card fraud no." I'm willing to concede on the use of the word "fraud" and rather state that there was a billing error made to my card by iLash Lab and I've removed the words "credit card fraud" from my last review and updated it with this most recent review. I will say there was definite difficulty in getting hold of the manager in my case, even on the day when I called iLash Lab and she was in with a client (she never called me back after). She said she had been unavailable due to medical issues, which, as someone working in the medical field I have complete empathy for, but as a client, I would have appreciated being able to get a hold of someone in charge of the business (even a temporary supervisor) who could have responded efficiently to resolve the overcharge to my card in a more timely matter.