| - The Museum itself is more of a 2. I have definitely experienced better. It is quite small, old and can definitely use a face lift. But being in Vegas, they get an "A+" for effort which is why I am giving it a 3. But, it is an enthusiastic 3, so you should definitely check it out.
I love museums and the "tiger mom" in me likes to expose my young kids to educational opportunities whenever I have the chance. I've only ever been to big museums in big cities, so I knew not to come in with high expectations. I moved from SoCal almost 3 years ago, and have always made the best of what sin city has to offer for the kids. Admission is $10 for adults, $5 for children ages 3-11, and Parking is free. *If you are a coupon seeker, their website does offer a FREE adult entry with another paying adult. I happened to visit during "Ologist day" kicking off the 2013 Las Vegas Science and Technology Festival- and it was free entry for all.
This was a great treat for my 4 1/2 year old daughter. There were about a dozen scientists with tables set up so that the kids can meet real scientists, ask questions, and view demonstrations. There was a biologist, marine biologist, meteorologist, geologist, and more! It was like being at a school science fair. They had tables set up and a display board, and were very eager to share their experiences and expose the kids to different fields and get them excited about science. My kid loved it. And so did I. She now wants to be a Marine Biologist.
The museum may be small, but it does have a lot to offer in the small space. There are exhibits of various stuffed wildlife, and even a stuffed black bear that you can actually touch! There is an exhibit of marine life and a tiny pool of manta rays and tiger sharks. There are also tanks of various types of fish including a type of fish that have evolved without eyes because they live in underwater dark caves. If you don't use it, you lose it. I found them so fascinating! In addition, there are also dinosaurs, an African wildlife display, Ancient Egypt exhibit, and a room where the kids can have a hands-on learning experience.
To truly get the most out of the museums, check their website often or "like" their page on Facebook so that you can see the various presentations, events, and educational programs that they offer. Vegas doesn't have to be an "adults only" playground. There are definitely plenty of activities for kids too- you just have to look for them. Besides, kids aren't too picky. They appreciate family time and learning something new. And that is all that matters.
*Yelp 100 Challenge: Review 34/100*