| - Whoa there you 110 degree night. Chandler,Arizona. Here on vacay. Step outside....your anything that is cold anything that you are holding will melt on you anything at anytime. So, that being said we decide to get ice cream anyways. Because, well, it's 110 degrees in Arizona air and we are all screaming for ice cream!
Ice cream sandwiches (ice cream between two big cookies)! Or bowl/cup O' ice cream, or ice cream sundae or ice cream between a doughnut type roll (or it's called a Doh!). Or...just a fresh baked cookie! You have a selection of ice cream choices. Which is handy is you have a group of different tastes. They are ALL fantastic!!!
Their ice cream is very delicious also. The churro flavor is lovely, with big chunks of actual doughy churro. YUM. Also salted Carmel is a fav now. Oh and birthday cake. My fav combo was birthday cake ice cream in between funfetti cookies and rolled in rainbow sprinkles. It was as pretty and tasty as it sounds.
They have a little rectangley long room with a few tables and stools/chairs for those hot nights you need a/c. Also a few table sets outside in cute as heck picturesque Downtown Chandler.
The only reason I gave 4 and not 5 stars was because I got the sundae last night and you know...the whipped cream on a sundae is like, the best freakin part. And I get my sundaes with sole purpose of the whipped cream on top of ice cream...I get it made up and then as we were about to pay...I say...wait! Where's the whipped cream??? She put the cherry gasp! directly on top of the ice cream. She says, oh sorry, we're out. was too late to ditch it as it was all set up and ready for me, minus the WC. In my head I wanted to ask (yell) at her why didn't you tell me that before I ordered?? But I side eyed my husband with my look of "I'm about to break"....but he glared at me daggers that I need to close my mouth and thank the little-first-job-innocent-unknowing-sweet-teenager for a delicious sundae. W/O my Whipped Cream. :(
Also, the sugar cookies were rock hard. All other cookies though were buttery lovely soft. So be sure to ask for a fresh baked cookie if you want a soft one.
But anyways, the pros way outdid the negs. It is a sweet as can be spot for a date night dessert, or any other night. This will now be a spot for us to come to on all occasions in the future when in need of a dessert. (Hearts!!!!)