| - Fromagination is a magical place. Sure, you could buy your cheeses at the grocery store, but grocery stores don't smell nearly as fantastic. And no grocery store ever has as many samples, or as large an orphan selection.
I try to take out of town guests to Fromagination early in the visit to stock up on snacking cheeses. Guests frequently insist on return visits, on which I am more than happy to oblige & accompany! I find it hard to not buy at least one of the cheeses available for sampling (so good marketing, guys), as well as a few old standards (Oh, Hooks 12 year, I love you). The orphan basket near the register is also awesome-- tiny cuttings of cheese to increase variety on your cheeseboard without leftovers!
Service is obviously a little more focused if you hit the shop when it isn't packed. I haven't figured out a reliable pattern for this yet, but if you're patient when they are busy, the cheesemongers will eventually help you find a cheese or twelve you'll enjoy. If they're not busy, samples are encouraged, as well as a drink while browsing.
Fromagination also stocks a wide variety of "cheese companions", ranging from local crackers, meats and truffles, fancy jams & honeys, to Wisconsin craft beers. I also tend to lust over the cheese serving accoutrements when I'm there, although my current strategy of cheese on cutting board with index card labels will satisfy my serving needs for now.