| - When you go to The Nile Theater, you are going to a place that has more intimacy than other places. The place has so much history and a great sense of what DIY is all about.
Being an Engineer at one of the top corporate audio visual companies in the world I can honestly tell you that it isn't that bad of a system. It may be outdated, however, the engineers there know what they are doing. What common show going people don't realize is that most bands bring their own engineers with them. When a house engineer is mixing, 9/10 it'll sound great, but they can't help if the tour engineer didn't shoot/ring the room before hand. Most tour engineers especially for the genres that play there can't even tell you the first thing to do in order to set up an RTA mic and shoot a room. That's on them, not the venue. I've had a chance to see the system and it's ten times better than Joe's Grotto who uses JBL Eons as mains ha which is hilarious. Be grateful.
Also, the staff are extremely nice and truly do care about the show-goers. However, if you disrespect them they will put you in your place WHICH IS A GIVEN! Don't stand in the alley where cars, your buses, and vans need to come in and out. That's common sense. All in all, the staff are all tight.
If you have the chance, go to a show here and just respect the fact that they are doing this all by themselves. From what I hear it is basically one woman who is keeping this place alive not a whole team of people like other venues. Be grateful that amazing and legendary bands play there regularly. I am.
This place changed my life when I first saw a show there and I will be coming back more.