| - I usually get the fried chicken here, which is delicious. It comes with a biscuit that's sadly usually old or overcooked that I end up not eating, but I don't really care 'cuz it's free. They have French toast which is made of that huge challah bread and tastes like you're eating bread that's been dipped in the eggs from god's ovaries, ohhh it's that yummy. (God has ovaries right? He's like, both, right, has everything?)
Their chicken noodle soup is sadly a disappointment. I'm always on the search for delicious chicken noodle soup, and theirs was all... bleh. The broth was icky and the noodles were thin and twirly. Restaurant chicken noodle should be thick strips of noodles, you foolish fools, not twirly little pathetic bastards!!
But that's not why they get four stars instead of five. The reason is their music. Usually I come there late at night and, I dunno, I guess they're going for this trendy club-atmosphere or something, because they BLAST that shit and it's awful. It's not that I hate the music (which I do because it's awful trendy crap, but I could change it by picking something out of the jukebox if I wanted), it's that it's SO. Friggin'. Loud.
I guess, I dunno, the rest of you people have so completely damaged your hearing that you don't notice, but to me it's physically painful. It's like sound warfare and I feel like I'm being attacked. Plus I can't actually talk to my companion(s) without shouting at them.
Since atmosphere is a big deal when going out to eat, there have been a few times where we've decided NOT to go there because we aren't in the mood to put up with such loud nose. But you know, they change that and bam. I'll give 'em five stars.
And since we all know how much everyone wants MY five stars, I bet they'll be doing it within minutes. Huhuhuhuhuh.
Update: They don't do cheese fries anymore. For some reason. Considering cheese fries is just melting cheese on fries, both of which they have, in like a microwave or under a heat lamp, this loses them a star. It was my favorite side. :C