I recently started a new Job and my biggest problem so far is that I don't get to z Greek often enough now. I learned of this restaurant because I saw the owner shopping for his produce nearly every day. Loving food I eventualy stopped to see where it was. I always support family ran businesses so I went the next day. This started me down the road to best addiction ever! I try real hard to not eat beef but I can't resist their giros. The lemon roasted potatoes are hands down the best i've ever had. The rice pilof they serve isn't just filler. The rice is perfect and could be a stand alone meal. Lamb skewers are exceptional and the portions are over the top. Dine in and grab a table. This place is family ran and the girl runnning the counter juggles all tables at once and doesn't miss a beat. Her personality would keep me going back if the food was sub par but nothing could be further from truth. I did learn that the lamb is best eaten there but even later it taste great. To give you an idea of this places quality I had a standing order to just double my order and bring it t
o a coworker and she would pay cost plus $5. The salad they serve with all meals would be plenty for lunch but my willpower loses out every time. Find this place. Excellent value and a great family.