This place is a JOKE!!! Its close to home and after work i just wanna get home fast thats the only reason why i go there. But you have got to be kidding me with the staff and how they run that place!
First of all, i put my order in and i pay and i am ALWAYS missing something! So i paid for something i never got! This has happened all 3 of the last times i have been there! So in all reality i should get a free meal cuz thats what i have paid for but never got!!! Come on your job to put stuff in a bag and make sure its right before you hand it to the customer is NOT THAT HARD! Specially when it a only like 3 or 4 things...not 20!
Second...the level of attitude and lack of hospitality at this place is INSANE! Iwork in the food industry myself so i have to interact with people all day every day and i know how to just generally treat a human being. And this place is the worst. Quiz time...what do you say when someone tells you "thank you"? .........ding times up! The answer is "YOURE WELCOME!" TRY IT SOME TIME! I get that you don't earn tips so you dont care about your job that you hate so much...but thats just common interactions with human beings.
I am so sick of the rudeness here!!!! Was burger king hurting bad for employees that they needed to hire whoever walked through the door?!?! Come on BK...ypu can do better than that!
I will never go here or tell anyone i know to go here again unless something changes!
Please do something to fix this problem and get my $$$ back!!!! Thanks!