After enjoying Darren's review of Betsy's Ice Cream I ended up their with my friend Joy who totally loves a good bowl of milk, cream, sugar, and flavorings. She wasn't impressed, and she didn't get much. They are pretty small servings for the premium amount they charge. I tried some sorbet, not bad, a little on the overly sweet side. I'll stick to Scoops on Beverly and Carini's Home Made Ice Cream down on Dormont Ave before I hit this place up again.
Just a note: After posting my review I received an email through YELP from the owner(?) Manager(?) of Betsy's Ice Cream asking what I could do to get a better score from my review. He mentioned that he was training his staff to serve bigger portions but some staff just weren't getting it done on the front line. He also said would look into changing his recipe. My response to him would be to make sure the staff is trained BEFORE putting them on the lines to HIS satisfactory. You can buy an entire half gallon of premium Ice Cream for the four bucks Betsy charges for two tiny miniscule scoops. As for the sorbet, I'm not a fan and normally I would choose frozen fat free yogurt but I didn't see any. To me any sherbet is overly sweet.