Best place to get your @$$ in gear! After having two babies (back to back a yr apart) my hubby and I both gained pregnancy weight lol found Raw through a FB post about a fitness challenge. Lose 20lbs in 6 weeks and get your $ back. Sounds simple enough right?! Lol it's was some good awesome butt kicking boot camp style workouts. Every trainer there is awesome, friendly & motivating. The owners take pride in their pupils big & small. They guide you every step of the way and push you far beyond your goals. They promote a community for all their members to hold each other accountable. It's not the cheapest gym but it's comparable pricing to a crossfit gym but way better. If you want results come here and ditch those other guys (LVAC & 24hr). They're worth a visit and inquire about their fitness challenge or a free class to test the waters.