There is nothing, I repeat nothing 'fanatical' about TRYING to watch an Indians game here. This was my second attempt to watch baseball at "sports fanatics". Sure, they have team stuff on the walls and the bar staff wear ref shirts but let me tell you: you will not hear a game here. Instead- you'll get hip-hop, Top 40 music blasting from the jukebox. The songs include such sport-themed lyrics about "I wanna fuck her", "smack it on the dance floor" and other game time pep songs. If you want to be a bar that plays top 40 music & has TVs on in the background - go ahead, people enjoy that, but don't refer to yourself as a Sports Bar when you can't hear any commentary about local sports games. The bar tenders might want to drink a cup of coffee or 2 before their shifts: apathy & indifference to non-regular customers isn't a way to get more than a 10% tip.