My son broke the screen on his "new" Samsung Galaxy smart phone. Given it has a touch-screen, I had assumed that it was irrepairable. On a whim, I decided to stop-in to Quick Mobile Repair after seeing their street sign on the SE-corner of Cave Creek and Union Hills Road. Nick Fazio has a small shop set up in the back of a local smoke shop, but don't let his humble operation mislead you. He was able to repair my son's smart phone for less than $80 parts and labor and it is good-as-new. Nick was professional, low-pressure, and confident in his ability to fix the phone. He even loaned my son a "loaner phone" while he worked on my son's phone. It took several days given Nick had to special-order the repair parts, but I was just grateful he was able to fix it.
If you need a cell phone repaired, talke to Nick Fazio. He does amazing work!