I agree that once Claim Jumper changed hands, it will never be even close to what it was. Aside from the disappointment factor, the food is OK. It is convenient to eat here if you are staying at the Golden Nugget, but other than that is is just somewhere around average in quality and expensive for what you get. The service is better than the food. The portions are OK, but not at all what they used to be. Dinner flavor was better than breakfast. If I had had breakfast first, that would have been the last visit to Claim Jumper. The Motherlode cake is pretty much the same, but the portions of other desserts were smaller (and no Ideclair). The omelets are definitely not omelets ... they are overcooked eggs made like a pancake then folded and stuffed with toppings that aren't that great (like undercooked cold broccoli). Because the toppings aren't cooked with the eggs, they fall out. You find yourself chewing doggedly on your omelet-like egg pancake, not because you want to but because you paid $15 for it and are hungry. The Claim Jumper decor of days past is now limited to a few pickaxe's and pans on the wall. If you have many fond memories from Claim Jumper, don't expect to revisit them. Just make new memories somewhere else.