| - Do NOT be fooled by the low cost airfare! Although the prices seem really cheap, Spirit airlines will get you in the end with their high cost charges for the bags that you check in and also your carry on. To make matters worse, if your bag weighs more than 40lbs., they'll charge you an additional $25. And if you don't pay for your carry on bag prior to reaching you gate, they'll charge you $100 for it. So in total, you'll end up spending the same amount as other airline companies. Oh yeah, they also charge you $10+ to pick your own seats on the plane as well.
The aircraft seemed to be the standard size at a glance; however, there is NO LEG ROOM whatsoever!! I'm 5'11" and my knees were on the chair directly in front of me. I felt sorry for my boyfriend, he's 6'1 and he looked hella cramped. Oh yes, none of the drinks or snacks are complimentary and if you do want to buy something it's credit card only.
Overall, the only nice thing I have to say is that this airline provided us with a smooth ride back home to the Bay Area; however, they nickel and dime you for everything so there is no real "savings". I will not fly on this airline company again.