Please riddle me this, the price of a single scoop of vanilla with cookie crumble was $6.16. More than the listed price of the Western special which has nuts, AND their banana split. HOW. Not only did their prices go up, you can't pick a small size portion, and the quality has gone downhill. The custard was barely recognizable and nothing like the stuff from Luv-Its that I grew up with. You walk up to the window and get treated like garbage. The giant menu board is gone, and the interior of the shop is lined with cheesy retail items and crap that makes it look cluttered. If anyone tries to say this is the same "mom and pop" owners, they're wrong. Anyone who has been going to Luv-It's for years knows, you're used to seeing the same man with the friendly smile serving you custard-- why haven't I seen him in over three years? The new owner has to make serious changes.