This is the type of place where you go if you can't find what you want at other stores, or if you want a cheaper deal. After all, it is called styles for less.
Get their VIP card and receive a 10% discount off of the lowest ticketed regular priced items!
As a bonus, during the month of your birthday, a 20% discount on your first purchase during that month. Keep in mind this applies to in-store purchases only. This offer does not apply to online purchases.
I stop by here many times when I am around the area. I like this place for their accessories ( esp hair items). I have purchased a couple of cute lace tops.
They have also have shoes and bags but because those look cheaply made, they don't really appeal to me much.
The customer service was always good and they greet me and asked if I am looking for something in particular.
This store is in a good location on the same shopping center of Target and Kohl's, so it's fine to come when you're bored, browse and then check out the other stores nearby.