I was just going to let Earnhardt's ride off into the sunset, but the more I thought about it, the more frustrated and angry I got -- I guess I must admit that I am a really anal guy who demands attention to detail and great customer service. The note posted by one of their management team asking me to call so they can rectify my complaints is stupid -- my complaint is about fraudulently reporting deficiencies with my car that did not exist just so they scam repair dollars from me. How can he fix that? It would have been more to the point if he just would say "sorry and we will look into it", or "bring your car in with your deficiency report and we will inspect it again and verify if the report is accurate or not. If we find that it inaccurately states deficiencies, we will give your repair credits or something".....that would make more sense.
BTW, the service writer still has not called me back to schedule my recall repair.