If you call the number for this post office, 702-871-1175 and get hung up on, call back and dial 6 during the greeting... finally got a live person doing this though it doesn't tell you that.
Stopped getting mail at my home and tried to call to find out why. First called main post office number and had to wait an hour and a half for a call back just to be told to call the 702-871-1175 number that is not listed on this locations usps web page. Called 702-871-1175 and it welcomes you then says it is going to forward you to an operator... but then hangs up on you. Tried several times just in case that was a fluke but wasn't. Then called back and hit 0 during the initial message. It rang, then hung up. For s & g I called back several times and hit 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 each with the same results... but when I called back and hit 6, viola! a person. Come to find out that my whacked out carrier decided that nobody lived at my house (even though I had been picking up my mail and had my mail transferred there two months earlier) and started returning to sender all my mail without leaving any notice in my box. Ivy was extremely helpful in getting it figured out and my mail delivered.