You don't find many companies as responsive as Maid Brigade. I have been a Maid Brigade customer for over 3 years and have always been super happy with the quality of cleaning. Over the past three months, my cleaning crew changed because my primary housecleaner had a family emergency. I really missed my old crew and the new crew wasn't living up to my expectations. I called Maid Brigade with the intent to discontinue service and I ended the call looking for ways to expand my service. Pretty amazing, huh! The owner of Maid Brigade called me to talk about my experience and seek my feedback. He never asked me to change to mind, but by the end of the conversation we were brainstorming on how Maid Brigade could do a better job in the future. Later that afternoon, my favorite crew came back and offered to re-clean my house for free. And, the director of operations joined them. He spent 15 minutes with me touring my house and making sure that the crew was cleaning everything correctly. Maid Brigade handled the situation admirably and I really appreciate the outstanding customer service. i would recommend Maid Brigade to others (they use the BEST products too!).