Just back from a great Labor Day mini vaca in Vegas...went to see a show called "Defending The Caveman"...I had seen the show in L.A. about 12 years ago...well, I was blown' away...it's basically a one man show doin' a very hip and funny over an hour monologue in defense of the male since the caveman...the man doing the show is long time Vegas performer and highly respected stand up comic Kevin Burke...he has been given free license to rewrite segments and has brought forth a totally new and very, very hip, real time version, following the basic premise of the original work ...had the honor and pleasure of having some great one on one time with Kevin after the show...found a brother from another mother...a very spiritual cat, drummer from Chicago and funny...the only other comedy that brought tears to my eyes from laughing was Laurel & Hardy, Totie Fields...and now Kevin Burke...Thanks Kevin!
...P.S...and he does the show 7 nites a week @ The D Hotel, Downtown L.V.