Oftentimes you get what you pay for, folks and there is no better example than Rare Steakhouse. Located on the Capital Square this place is almost blink and you'd miss it but it would be a shame if you can afford to go and miss it. Inside you will be greeted promptly the interior is luxurious and inviting without being faux steakhouse inviting.
Everything on the menu is a la carte but you really cannot go wrong. we have been here many times and they take extreme care in making sure the food and service are impeccable. You are assigned one person that goes beyond being a server who is dedicated to your table and another who is dedicated to being a wine/drink specialist. If it goes to show you their level of wanting to give you your bang for your buck they even made our Caesar salad dressing from scratch at our table. It is a classy, tasty and comfortable dining experience. It is expensive of course so unless you resemble that guy from Monopoly this place may best be saved for special occasions.