Looking for something different to do? Come check out this museum. Although it's a bit small you will still be amazed with the contemporary arts and different exhibitions.
There is a parking garage next to the museum. A little store with shiny prices awaits you as you come through the entrance. $7 adults. $5 children. It's free on Thursdays! Enjoy the creativity and the art in you! :)
Some features for the fall per the email:
Kelly Richardson: Tales on the Horizon
Taking cues from landscape painting, cinema, and scientific research, Richardson offers imagined futures that prompt consideration of the present.
Architecture + Art I Chris Fraser: Looking Back
Inspired by Arizona's light, Fraser has created a luminous environment and an outdoor installation that reflects the sun.
Bruce Munro: Ferryman's Crossing
With shimmering rows of compact discs and pulses of light, Munro evokes sunlight bouncing off flowing water.
Young@Art Gallery's Archilumen
Drawing inspiration from recent developments in architecture, New School for Arts and Academics imagined a fanciful "city of light."