Don't bother. If you see my other reviews I only try to leave positive feedback and deal with companies directly when I have a bad experience...
Like many people, I was drawn to the low monthly fees and relatively new facility. When I signed up it was just: Sign here, initial here, date here ect.
They don't tell you about an annual maintenance fee or they will raise the rates on you. (My mistake for not reading fine print). But what really ticked me off is the charge you to cancel. I moved to another state and when I tried to cancel on the phone, they told I needed to have a certified letter sent or they wouldn't let me cancel. Who has time to go to the post office to cancel a $15/month membership?? Just ridiculous.
You know that saying, "you get what you pay for?" - Well I recommend spending a bit more money and finding a gym that will work with you and not try to steal every last dollar from their customers.
I hope this review deters anyone considering this shady business.