There are other restaurants in the Rio Suites Casino selling burgers (and fries) - of lesser quality for a higher price - which helps make this Smashburger a better choice for those looking for a a beef, chicken, turkey, or black bean burger.
Unique to Las Vegas is the Sun City Burger, so that it what I ordered my first visit. I'm glad I tried it but wasn't as impressed with it as the guy who recommended it. Nor was I impressed with the speed of preparation - or with a cook showing other kitchen staff a knob that broke off the grill.
My second visit was better - although there was still a delay for receiving sweet potato fries - partly because I ordered something else and also because I used offers on the first receipt to get almost 3 times the food as my first visit almost the same price.
Having accompanied others to some of the other restaurants in the casino, I now think this is the best burger place to eat for both quality and cost IF you do so at least twice.