At first I heard the price and said to myself. "WOAH! That's great!!" And we singed and rented flr 1 year. This has to be temporary because we actually want a house. We thought it was o.k. not great.
We moved in and the second night there we killed a roach. To which we called the main office and the lady was nice enough to send the guy to check it out. Only to have him ENTER my apartment check everything and leave with only me in the apartment ASLEEP. Never even cared about knocking. I know I signed a paper to authorize that. But ONLY if the place was unoccupied.
We stopped seeing these roaches about a year later I killed 3 at the same time after midnight. I called and to this day they haven't cared. If you miss your rent payment by ONE DAY you are charged $50 dollars more. Which is complete B.S, AND their closing time for their office says 5 PM, they stary closing at 3 PM so people have no other choice than to pay the extra $50 dollars. They seem pretty good looking at distance. Then you get close and see the real damage.
We're very clean so we haven't seen a roach ever since. We singed from Feb 2014 to Feb 2015 and I'm currently living here. And can't wait to move out. The soda and snack machines are tampered with on a daily basis. They stick garbage in the coin slot so you have to pay with bills. The pool looks like someone took a dump in it. Disgusting.
I've heard people break into places here. Which scares me. Other than that I'm hating my experience here. And can't wait to move out. AVOID living here even if it's your last resource. DONT move here.