I have been to this place more than once and we have definitely travelled the menu. I am never disappointed. The atmosphere is great and you never feel rushed.
My only comment to the restaurant owner is about customer service. The last two times I have been. I have had the same waitress. A young blond woman. She's amazing. We love her personality and service. What a great staff. However last night what I saw was so frustrating!!!!!! It took forever to get some things to our table because she was positively run off her feet. From what I saw the owner and another waiter were very minimally involved in fact he looked like he was covering only three tables and she had the rest.
If the owner is just strolling around it would be great to refill coffee and water glasses and clear plates so our waitress can do her job.
I also saw the waiter come out of the kitchen holding our plates and simply stand there!!!! He should've brought them over as she was taking an order and simultaneously helping a customer pay their bill.
More team work would have made last night absolutely perfect