Worst pediatric center to go to. Their phone answering system places you on hold for 5-20 min. Then you can barley understand the person on the phone. We had too wait outside for 15 min because they had a buffet set up in the lobby during their lunch. They charged me my co-pay again on a follow up visit, which my insurance doesn't require. On my next visit I had called their obnoxious call center to tell them I would be about 45 min. late which they said would be fine. When I got there they said I couldn't be seen because I was more than 15 min late....well yea, I called and said that. So I drove all the way across town to the ghetto to be told that I couldn't be seen!!?? WTF. Have fun with your illegal, uninsured patient's. Hopefully enough of them with their stolen identities will keep you in business, because normal customers aren't going to.