| - Being a native east coaster, I was so excited to try this food. I had been out the entire day and hadn't had a chance to eat yet, so my friend and I stopped in late night on New Years Eve to grab a bite. The gentleman working the counter was very personal and attentive, and the food tasted pretty good... but the entire next day I was puking and running to the bathroom. I figured, maybe I am just getting to old to eat the way I used to... but after drinking a bunch of pepto, and a few amodiums, I was still having issues. I decided after a day and a half of vomiting, and intense digestion upsets to go to our local walk in clinic. $150 dollars later, they deducted I have bacterial induced colitis... they ran some blood work on me and results are pending. Considering this was all I had eaten in the 24 hour period, it's highly unlikely it came from another source. Please review proper food handling procedures with your staff, and hand washing etiquette with your crew members, before you people kill some one. I sincerely hope that no one else gets as sick as I am right now. Antibiotics, missing two days off work, feeling miserable, and having to be stuck with needless, and $150 of doctors bills, was not worth eating at your establishment. I will not return, and will ensure I do not recommend your stores or food to anyone in the future.