This Albertsons location can be found on the southeast corner of Warm Springs and Rainbow Boulevard.
If given my choice between Albertsons or Smiths, I definitely prefer Albertsons. Even though it is a little bit further away from me than Smiths, I've found that the service is much friendlier here. That makes the extra five minutes of driving well worth it!
The bakery is one of my favorite spots here, in addition to floral section(You see, Mom and Dad are Buddhists and we frequently buy white carnations they use in their prayers and ceremonies, etc.). Albertsons is very reliable in having these carnations available most times.
With all grocery stores, you just have to do the homework and see who has the better prices on the items you need. After getting getting fed up with WalMart, I've been coming here more and I really, really like it! I can get in and out quicker and the people are just so much nicer!
Good customer service can really fix a lot and make all the difference in the world!
4 stars.
Yay! I'm a fan.