Ok so leaving an update:
Finally closed on my new home in December 2016 after moving to Scottsdale from Denver in December 2015. Gave notice to the incompetent office staff and asked if I could get out of my lease 2mos. early since I knew they were going to renovate it anyway. They said no , which is completely ridiculous! So had to pay my mortgage and rent. What's worse is that at lease end these idiots didn't prorate my rent and were sending me certified letters left and right with all kinds of late charges. I called them and was so freaking angry....I'd paid rent on time for over a year - and these morons expected me to front an entire month when I only owed 9 days. They are greedy and completely incompetent. The entire time I lived there the pool was always closed, neighbors were noisy, and desk staff were no better than Walmart employees. They do not know the area , They will not work with you and I got a different story depending on which person I talked to. Lack of personality and training of staff, terrible maintenance ( my toilet leaked the entire time I lived there; they put a new kitchen faucet on backwards....shall I go on....?). Seriously, run for the hills on this one!! So glad it's over!