| - So, I've been going to 5801 since I turned 21, but in the past 2 years, I've probably only frequented the joint 3 times. It has changed (aesthetically) quite a bit recently, and the newest addition in the upstairs / patio area is gorgeous. It has a new, lodge type feel, which I'm all about.
Unfortunately, nothing has been done to vent the smells. It's the only bar that I still reek of cigarettes and regret when I leave and my clothes (really annoying with your coats in the winter) forever hold the smell until washed well. This alone almost always makes me not want to go there, but I think it has become a very comfortable, "everyday" bar for the lgbt crowd, and I find that even a lot of non-lgbt people don't mind the atmosphere as well.
Stick with beer here, too. I don't mind the mixed drinks, but I've never been a big fan. They seem to use cheap mixers (especially sours) and I often do not enjoy the drinks as much as other places ---- but they are usually affordable and larger, so I guess it's a trade off.