If you are like me and are a maritimer who has transplanted themselves to Calgary, the Atlantic Trap & Gill Pub is a great place to make you feel like you are home again. I mean after all, it says it right in the name!
There is nothing particularly special about the pub though. The only thing that distinguishes it from other pubs is that they have lots of fish netting and lobster traps hanging from the roofs. Pretty stereotypical, but definitely enough for me.
I would love to just clarify one thing though and this is specially for all the great bands that play at the Trap and Gill. I get that you think Maritimers says SOCIABLE instead of cheers, but you know what? We don't say it at the end of EVERY song. I assume it is so we drink more, but it takes away the value of it, just a little bit.
For any maritimer who might feel a little homesick, I'd suggest checking out my home away from home....literally.